Yulia Bevzenko
Yulia is a prominent tour guide in Kyiv and describes herself as the ‘Manager of Kyiv’. For over ten years she has been creating cultural and historical projects that develop and deepen the relationship between Kyivans, visitors and the city. Due to the possibility of air raid sirens and power blackouts, Yulia opted to record her answers to our questions and sent them to us. You can hear Yulia in two episodes on The DNA of Kyiv.
Caitlin and Greg
How did the city react to a full-scale Russian invasion?
Yulia Bevzenko
In one of the oldest Christian churches in Eastern Europe, Saint Sophia of Kyiv is their unbreakable wall around them. As long as this wall and the walls of Sophia stand, Kyiv stands. Awareness of this responsibility is in the DNA of every Kyivan. In our city there was a Revolution on Granite, Orange Revolution, Revolution of Dignity. In Kyiv, people cry for heroes, kick anti-Democratic presidents out and will celebrate our victory. Kyiv is the Father and He will stand to the last.
Caitlin and Greg
What are the most common misconceptions about Kyiv among people?
Yulia Bevzenko
The biggest problem is that, until recently, foreigners had no ideas about Kyiv, false or true. Kyiv is still an inexplicable story. Is Kyiv Russia? No, of course, it's Ukraine. It was mixed up and it offended Ukrainians. This is the worst misconception and a big reputational problem. With the war, it disappeared. Now the whole world knows that Kyiv is Ukraine, an outpost of Europe, a place where free people live and are ready to fight for freedom. It's a true representation.
Caitlin and Greg
What awaits Kyiv in the future? How will the DNA of Kyiv shape the future?
Yulia Bevzenko
What awaits Kyiv in the future? How will the DNA of Kyiv shape the future? After the war, we will have a big task to live freedom and readiness to fight for it in our DNA. Adding other features, we are creative, hard-working, technological, free. We gave the world companies Reface, Grammarly, Petcube, Depot, Depositphotos. We have a Diia in our country. It's fully digital documents in one application, from passports to documents for an apartment. In our country, the world's first constitution was created, which outlined the rights of citizens and government. It was developed and put into operation in 1710 by the Ukrainian Hetman Pylyp Orlyk. For comparison, the US Constitution was drafted and adopted in 1787. Kyiv in the future, is waiting for Renaissance. So Kyiv is Little America. It's always the cooperation of those who were born here and those who move here to realise, to implement, yes, their potential, build a career, build the city and the state. There are many opportunities. And here, the actor can become president. Here after receiving the best education abroad, people return for opportunities for implementation. Kyiv provides a social elevator. For example, now a girl born in Izmail, which is in the south of Ukraine, addresses the world community in this podcast, having cultural and historical projects with multimillion reach behind. Kyiv gives opportunities.
Caitlin and Greg
What is the key myth about the city that unites people? Are there any key artifacts, songs or stories?
Yulia Bevzenko
So we have a story about Kyi, Shchek, and Khoryv, as well as their sister, Lybid, who, according to legend, founded Kyiv and named it after their older brother, Kyi. Rus’, or Kievan Rus’ estate with a centre in Kyiv. This is what all Ukrainians and residents of Kyiv live with. Volodymyr the Baptist in 988. Volodymyr the Great baptised the Kyivans in Kyiv, thereby introducing Christianity to our lands. From the funny that unites people, it is in quote ‘Holy War’, rather folk, eternal funny entertainment to clarify where the real Kyiv is located, on the right or left bank. Whether the left bank of Kyiv is Kyiv or not. We even have drops from clothing designers who print phrases on their sleeves, left bank, right bank. Also we have already become a myth of the metro opening in such a distant area of Kyiv, which is called Troieshchyna. People have been waiting for the subway there for more than 40 years, so this is also a modern myth. We have the anthem of Kyiv. It's called ‘How not to love you my Kyiv’. This song sounds at the railway station when trains arrive. The song is performed at concerts on the Day of Kyiv. Everyone knows it. There is an expression the language will bring to Kyiv. It looks like a comparison with Rome, where all the roads lead. Well, I will tell here about the world-famous not Kyiv, but the Ukrainian songs, Shchedryk, you have definitely heard it.
Caitlin and Greg
What is your favourite story about Kyiv as a manager of Kyiv?
Yulia Bevzenko
So Kyiv was built by patrons. It's also about our DNA. These are caring people who do not wait until someone does something to them. Even during the war, they build and continue to build hospitals, schools and this is my favourite story about Kyiv. The history of our capital is created by its people. And I thank you very much for this opportunity to tell your listeners about Kyiv and Ukraine.
Caitlin and Greg
What role does Kyiv play in its country and region?
Yulia Bevzenko
Kyiv is the father. Kyiv played such a role, not only in the war, but for one and a half thousand years, for the whole of Ukraine. Kyiv is a father. Ukraine is a mother. Let's say Kyiv is much older than Ukraine itself. Kyiv is a cultural, economic, intellectual, political and historical centre, large continental transport hub. If we are talking about a broader role, then this is the geographical centre of Europe. Kyiv stands at the intersection of Eastern and Western Europe, and is their Eastern outpost of Europe.